Prospective Parents

To arrange a tour of the school, please call 0208 889 8421 or email

We look forward to showing you our wonderful school!

Some important 'myths' to bust:

  • You do NOT need to be Catholic to apply to our school - we welcome children and families of any faith or of no faith
  • You do NOT need a "Priest's reference" (even if you are a baptised Catholic)
  • Distance ONLY applies if we are oversubscribed
  • You have a EXCELLENT CHANCE of a successful applicaiton this year (we have not been oversubscribed, due to the falling birth rate across London, for the last 3 years)



We know only too well that choosing a Primary School is an important decision. It is where children learn 'what school is.' It is where they learn to socialise, adapt to routine, to meet new expectations and it is, most importantly, where they learn how school can help them be the best they can be.

We know, too, that parents have a choice, which is a wonderful thing. Here at St. John Vianney, we believe we have created a calm, nurturing and academic environment where any child can thrive; be safe, be happy, achieve. We know that you will value those attributes and we hope that you will consider this school as the springboard to your child's school life! 

Whether you ask our staff, parents or (most importantly) our children, you will find a warm recommendation. As one pupil put it in our recent survey: "School is the key to life. I love my school..."


Reception Class Applications

Our Admissions Privacy Notice is available here

Click below to view the school’s Admissions Application Pack and Policy for children starting in September 2025:

Application & Policy Pack 2025-26



 Previous Years:

Application & Policy Pack 2024-25

Application & Policy Pack 2023-24

Application & Policy Pack 2022-23

Application Pack & Policy 2021-22





In-Year Applications

An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places.  An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year admissions application form and returning it to the school office at St John Vianney Catholic Primary School, Stanley Road, Tottenham, London N15 3HD.

A link to the In-Year Application Pack, including the application form, can be found below:

In-Year Application & Policy Pack 2023-24

Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements for 2023/2024, will be applied (available on the link above).  Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.

If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list.  Please see the admission arrangements for more details.

You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible.  Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt.  

You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions please contact the school office via email at   


You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority.  Details are available via the website link below:

Appeals Process:

  • Parents will be notified within 10 school days of the outcome of their application.
  • If a place is not offered, parents may appeal within 20 school days of the notification.
  • Appeals must include any apporpriate evidence.
  • Parents will receive at least 10 school days notice of the appeal hearing.
  • Parents will be informed of the outcome of the appeal within 5 school days of the hearing.