St John Vianney Catholic Primary

Welcome to our school


celebrations of the word


celebration of the Miraculous Medal


Parents Join Year 1 for a Lenten Act of Worship

Every Lent, we invite parents to join their children in a Lenten act of worship, where they can help their children to reflect on how best to prepare for Easter. Each child then creates thier Lenten promise. 

Stations of the Cross


Love is all you need!

Faith - the importance of trust and faith

A relfection on the SJV community

LENten journey 2024

Following the start of Lent over the half term holidays, the children spent this week reflecting on their Lenten promises. We shared the Gospel of Mark and made individual Lenten promises.

"The Spirit drove Jesus out into the wilderness and he remained there for forty days, and was tempted by Satan. He was with the wild beasts, and the angels looked after him. After John the Baptist had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee. There he proclaimed the Good News from God. “The time has come,” he said, “and the Kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News.”


celebrations during Raac!

It's not until it'gone that you realise how much you miss it! Just before the start of the Autumn term 2023, we were informed that our school hall had to be sectioned off and put out of use due to the presence of RAAC! Undeterred, we adapted and kept our celebrations of the word going even in these difficult circumstances!

By makin the most of the fine weather and re-introducing Zoom, we were able to keep celebrating together each week thorught these difficult times.


Christmas and advent celebrations

The children prepare for Christmas via Advent celebrations and the always-joyous nativity and carol performance. Not even losing our hall to RAAC could hinder our celebrations! 





Miraculous medal

Our Reception class are awarded their very own Miraculous Medal each October by their Year 4 Buddies. The Miraculous Medal is a devotional medal linked to apparitions of the Virgin Mary in 1830. Its design includes Mary standing on a globe with rays of light, and it's associated with prayers for her intercession. The medal is a symbol of devotion helps us to seek Mary's protection and help through prayer.


All souls

We marked All Souls with a celebration of the word linking Remembrance Sunday with remembrance of family and friends from our community that have died. 



Each year we support the work of CAFOD by raising money or collecting food donations.


The school's annual Easter production helps the community understand and reflect on the most important of celebrations in our faith.


Weekly celebrations of the word

Each week, as a whole school community, joined by opur parents, we celetbrate the Word of the week. The structure gives the children a clear purpose: we gather as a community, we listen to the Word, we refelct on the meaning of the word and we set ourselves a mission for the week ahead and beyond.

follow me...the first christian community


The Good Shepherd - Queen Elizabeth

the kingdom of god - the journey starts today

life is all about choices

norishment - lookng after the body, mind and soul

pentecost & the holy spirit

the 5th sorrowful mystery - the crucifixion

how can we a witness to jesus?

belief and faith: "I believe in my family..."

new starts - we all deserve a new start

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

The Transfiguration

The Parable of the Fig Tree